Salt Chlorinator

Nature Salt Chlorinator

Leader of Chlorine Free Pool

J.D.Pools significantly considers to the development of innovation and swimming pool equipment in order to meet the healthy concerns of pools users. Apart from that, we aim to be friendly with the world environment. go green!
The Natural Salt Chlorinator Naturally take care of water conditions. It sustains the pool with no chlorine treatment, no acid smell, and no sensitive effects to eyes, hair and skin like darken the spot melanin; from along time swimming. In addition to this, corporately works well with the respiratory system which children or allergy patients are able to swim in this Natural Salt Chlorinator pool. This great innovation Natural Salt Chlorinator can be best staying in accordance with the Liner or Composite finishing.


Salt Chlorination System

  • No chemical chlorine, no distinct odor
  • Environment friendly
  • No eye irritation, no hair damage
  • No stickiness and irritation to skin
  • Operate through automatic controller